Results for 'D. Max Lohr'

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  1.  19
    Untersuchungen zum Hexateuchproblem, I Der Priesterkodex in der Genesis (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 38)Untersuchungen zum Hexateuchproblem, I Der Priesterkodex in der Genesis.Julian Morgenstern, D. Max Löhr & D. Max Lohr - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:82.
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  2. The Buddhist universe in early modern Japan : cosmological dispute and the epistemology of vision.D. Max Moerman - 2022 - In Bill M. Mak & Eric Huntington (eds.), Overlapping cosmologies in Asia: transcultural and interdisciplinary approaches. Boston: Brill.
  3. The Buddhist universe in early modern Japan : cosmological dispute and the epistemology of vision.D. Max Moerman - 2022 - In Bill M. Mak & Eric Huntington (eds.), Overlapping cosmologies in Asia: transcultural and interdisciplinary approaches. Boston: Brill.
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    Teaching and Learning About Science and Social Policy.Max Birnbaum & Kenneth D. Benne - 1985 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 5 (3):225-225.
    This material originally appeared as part of a larger publication developed by ERIC, unden a contract with the National Institute of Edu cation, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, as a practical resource for teaching about science-related social issues. It was pub lished jointly by ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/social Science Education and the Sociat Science Education Consortium.
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    A new Tuskegee? Unethical human experimentation and Western neocolonialism in the mass circumcision of African men.Max Fish, Arianne Shahvisi, Tatenda Gwaambuka, Godfrey B. Tangwa, Daniel Ncayiyana & Brian D. Earp - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (4):211-226.
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    What are we doing when we perceive numbers?Max Jones, Karim Zahidi & Daniel D. Hutto - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Clarke and Beck rightly contend that the number sense allows us to directly perceive number. However, they unnecessarily assume a representationalist approach and incur a heavy theoretical cost by invoking “modes of presentation.” We suggest that the relevant evidence is better explained by adopting a radical enactivist approach that avoids characterizing the approximate number system as a system for representing number.
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    Max Weber on Race and Society.J. Gittleman, Max Weber, B. Nelson & D. Nelson - 1971 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 38 (1):30.
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  8. Lecture 2: Naming childhood : No order and no end.Ph D. Max van Manen - 2006 - In Wilfried Lippitz & Daniel J. Martino (eds.), The Phenomenology of Childhood: The Nineteenth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center. Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.
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    Perceptual Validation of Nonlinear Postural Predictors of Visually Induced Motion Sickness.Max A. Teaford, Henry E. Cook, Justin A. Hassebrock, Robin D. Thomas & L. James Smart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Les parlers judéo-romans et la Vetus LatinaLes parlers judeo-romans et la Vetus Latina.Max L. Margolis & D. S. Blondheim - 1929 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 49:82.
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    The Peirce Homestead as a National Memorial.Max H. Fisch & Don D. Roberts - 1972 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 8 (2):123 - 127.
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  12. Die mittelalterliche Aristotelesdeutung in ihrem gesellschaftlichen Kontext L'interprétation médiévale d'Aristote dans son contexte sociologique.Lohr Ch - 1976 - Theologie Und Philosophie 51 (4):481-495.
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    The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy.H. D. Griswold & F. Max Muller - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9 (4):432.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Max A. Bailey, Kenneth R. Conklin, William J. Mathis, Harold J. Noah, John Bremer, Beatrice E. Sarlos, Eric Russell Lacy, David W. Minar, Dabney Park Jr, Nathan Kravetz, Allan R. Sullivan, Dwight W. Allen, Joel H. Spring, Walden Crabtree & Leo D. Leonard - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):35-48.
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  15. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Vol. I, 1857-1866.Charles S. Peirce, Max H. Fisch, Christian J. W. Kloesel, Edward C. Moore, Don D. Roberts & Lynn A. Ziegler - 1983 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 19 (1):63-83.
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    Lucky or clever? From expectations to responsibility judgments.Tobias Gerstenberg, Tomer D. Ullman, Jonas Nagel, Max Kleiman-Weiner, David A. Lagnado & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2018 - Cognition 177 (C):122-141.
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  17. Histoire et cultures. Une autre philosophie de I'histoire.Johann Gottfried Herder, Max Rouché & D'alain Renaut - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (4):469-470.
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    Silvesterbesinnung und Weihnachtsartikel. Jahresendzeitreflexionen großer Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts.Gebhard Löhr - 2005 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 28 (4):305-320.
    The article deals with the relationship between science and religion (esp. Christian faith) in two articles of physicists Max Planck and Pascual Jordan. The relationship of the two factors is reflected in the treatment of time, a subject that comes up because both articles were written on the occasion of the year's end or even the end of a decade. By analysing the two perspectives on time it is possible to distil the distinctive ideas of Planck and Jordan on religion (...)
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    Max Scheler im Gegenwartsgeschehen der Philosophie.Max Scheler & Paul Good (eds.) - 1975 - Bern: Francke.
    Heidegger, M. Andenken an Max Scheler.--Gadamer, H.-G. Max Scheler, der Verschwender.--Plessner, H. Erinnerungen an Max Scheler.--Kuhn, H. Max Scheler als Faust.--Dempf, A. Schelers System christlicher Geistphilosophie als Grundlage einer religiösen Erneuerung.--Scheler, M. Neun Briefe an Karl Muth.--Rombach, H. Die Erfahrung der Freiheit.--Landgrebe, L. Geschichtsphilosophische Perspektiven bei Scheler und Husserl.--Theunissen, M. Wettersturm und Stille.--Good, P. Anschauung und Sprache.--Welsch, W. Mit Scheler.--Avé-Lallement, E. Die phänomenologische Reduktion in der Philosophie Max Schelers.--Gehlen, A. Rückblick auf die Anthropologie Max Schelers.--Schoeps, H. J. Die Stellung des (...)
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  20.  26
    Baron d'Holbach; a study of eighteenth century radicalism in France.Max Pearson Cushing - 1971 - New York,: B. Franklin.
    ... writing to the Princess Dashkofï in, thus analysee! the spirit of his century: Chaque siècle a son esprit qui le caractérise. L'esprit du nôtre semble ...
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    Interpretation and Interaction: Psychoanalysis or Psychotherapy?Jerome D. Oremland & Merton Max Gill (eds.) - 1991 - Routledge.
    In recent decades the relationship between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy has been a focal point for debate about the distinctiveness of analysis as a particular kind of therapeutic enterprise. In _Interpretation and Interaction_, Jerome Oremland invokes the interventions of "interpretation" and "interaction," rooted in the values of understanding and amelioration, respectively, as a conceptual basis for reappraising these important issues. In place of the commonly accepted triadic division among psychoanalysis, exploratory psychotherapy, and supportive psychotherapy, he proposes a new triad: psychoanalysis, psychoanalytically-oriented (...)
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    Baron d'Holbach.Max Pearson Cushing - 1914 - New York,: [S.N.].
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    R'makrishna: His Life and Sayings.H. D. Griswold & F. Max Muller - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10 (3):334-334.
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  24.  13
    Concepts d'espace: une histoire des théories de l'espace en physique.Max Jammer - 2008 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Concepts d'espace est un classique de la philosophie et de l'histoire des sciences. Enrichi d'une celebre preface d'Albert Einstein, l'ouvrage de Max Jammer couvre pres de vingt-cinq siecles d'elaboration du concept d'espace physique. L'auteur allie la methode historique a la methode philosophique dans l'analyse des differentes traditions scientifique et philosophique, et c'est la l'originalite de ce travail dont la coherence tient a l'unite d'une question sans cesse remise sur le metier: le probleme de l'espace dans la theorie physique. Depuis sa (...)
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  25. La doctrine de Dieu dans la lettre à Flora de Ptolémée.W. A. Löhr - 1995 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 75 (2):177-191.
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  26. Deux éditions récentes de la comédie «Chrysis» d'ES Piccolomini.Max Niedermann - 1948 - Humanitas 2:93-115.
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    Entretiens d'Oxford.Max Black - 1985 - Dialectica 39 (4):263-263.
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    Michèle Le Dœuff: operative philosophy and imaginary practice.Max Deutscher (ed.) - 2000 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
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    L'Œuvre d'art comme création.Max Loreau - 1967 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 72 (2):184 - 205.
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    La Fabrique de l’infini Phénoménologie du désordre et genèse sensible de l’idée d’infini chez Diderot.Max Marcuzzi - 1997 - Revue de Synthèse 118 (1):7-35.
    À l'encontre de la conception classique qui fait de l'idée d'infini l'expression de la perfection de Dieu inscrite en l'homme, Diderot propose une conception de l'infini qui rapporte immédiatement celui-ci à sa production corporelle. Soustrayant ainsi l'infini au divin, la pensée du corps sensible révoque jusqu'en ses fondements la conceptualité classique qui, par la notion d'ordre, liait l'épistémologie au théologique. Le désordre s'en trouve réévalué jusqu'en ses formes pathologiques et gagne ainsi une valeur créatrice immanente et fondamentale.
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  31. The raison d'être of inductive argument.Max Black - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (3):177-204.
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    Intuition und Ganzheit: Versuch e. Neuorientierung in d. Medizin.Max Josef Zilch - 1977 - Heidelberg: Haug.
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    Autism, modularity and levels of explanation in cognitive science.Max Coltheart & Robyn Langdon - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (1):138-152.
    Over the past century or more, cognitive neuropsychologists have discussed many of the issues raised in this volume. On the basis of this literature, we argue that autism is not a single homogeneous condition, and so can have no single cause. Instead, each of its symptoms has a cause, and the proper study of autism is the separate study of each of these symptoms and its cause. We also offer evidence to support the radical view advanced by Stoljar and Gold (...)
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  34. En Quête d'Un Autre Commencement.Max Loreau - 1987 - Lebeer Hossmann.
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  35. La philosophie comme construction nécessaire du mythe d'origine.Max Loreau - 1980 - The Temps de la Réflexion 1:315.
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    Genre and Void: Looking Back at Sartre and Beauvoir.Max Deutscher - 2003 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Developing a reading of some of Beauvoir and Sartre's most influential writings in philosophy, Max Deutscher explores contemporary philosophy in the light of the phenomenological tradition within which Being and Nothingness and The Second Sex occurred as striking events operating on the border of the modern and the 'post-modern'. Deutscher traces the shifts of genre that produce their gendered philosophies, and responds in terms of contemporary experience to the mood and the arguments of their works. Drawing upon the writings of (...)
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    Réduction fonctionnelle et réduction logique.Max Kistler - 2000 - Philosophiques 27 (1):27-38.
    Kim attribue aux émergentistes un modèle de « réduction logique » dans lequel la prédiction ou l’explication d’une occurrence de la propriété réduite ne requiert, outre des informations sur le niveau réducteur, que des principes logiques et mathématiques. Sur la base de cette interprétation, je conteste deux thèses de Kim. La première concerne la légitimité du modèle émergentiste de réduction. J’essaie de montrer, à l’aide de l’exemple de l’addition des masses, que l’adoption de la réduction logique rendrait irréductibles certaines propriétés (...)
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    L'autre et nous.Max Poty - 2013 - Nice: Les éditions Ovadia.
    Oui, sous le rayon d'un soleil dilué de nuages roses, j'ai rédigé la plupart de ces textes Rue du Poète. Il convient de ne point nous méprendre à penser que le poète se complaît dans une indolente béatitude. Poiêsis, c'est l'action, l'expression même des mouvements et des relations qui déterminent notre univers, nos lieux d'échange, au présent, le plus souvent insaisissable, de ce que l'on prend pour le réel et cet imaginaire vers lequel l'homme projette sa mémoire, son " récit (...)
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  39. Studies in Philosophy and in the History of Science Essays in Honor of Max Fisch. Edited by Richard Tursman. With a Pref. By D.W. Gotshalk.Richard Tursman & Max Harold Fisch - 1970 - Coronado Press.
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  40. L'éthique protestante et l'esprit du capitalisme, suivi d'un autre essai.Max Weber & Jacques Chavy - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):491-491.
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    (1 other version)Rynin D.. Meaning and formation rules. Actes du Xme Congrès International de Philosophie —Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy , North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1949, pp. 782–784. [REVIEW]Max Black - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):248-248.
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    Autobiographie scientifique: et derniers écrits.Max Planck - 2010 - A. Michel.
    Penseur et philosophe, Max Planck a dominé par sa personnalité toute la science moderne. Pour Albert Einstein, il a " doté le monde d'une grande idée créatrice " dont la découverte deviendrait " la base de toute la recherche en physique au XXe siècle ". C'est dans le domaine de la thermodynamique que fit irruption sa découverte révolutionnaire, en 1900, alors qu'il s'intéressait au rayonnement émis par les corps qu'on échauffe et aux propriétés de la matière avec laquelle ce rayonnement (...)
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    New books. [REVIEW]H. H. Price, David Pears, William Kneale, Max Black, A. F. Peters, George E. Hughes, Margaret Macdonald, G. J. Warnock, T. D. Weldon, R. F. Holland, H. D. Lewis, Antony Flew, W. G. Maclagan, J. Harrison, Richard Wollheim, P. L. Heath, Donald Nicholl, Patrick Gardiner & Ernest Gellner - 1951 - Mind 60 (240):550-583.
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  44. Inference and explanation in cognitive neuropsychology.Max Coltheart & Martin Davies - 2003 - Cortex 39 (1):188-191.
    The question posed by Dunn and Kirsner (D&K) is an instance of a more general one: What can we infer from data? One answer, if we are talking about logically valid deductive inference, is that we cannot infer theories from data. A theory is supposed to explain the data and so cannot be a mere summary of the data to be explained. The truth of an explanatory theory goes beyond the data and so is never logically guaranteed by the data. (...)
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    Delusions and misbeliefs.Max Coltheart - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):517-517.
    Beliefs may be true or false, and grounded or ungrounded. McKay & Dennett (M&D) treat these properties of belief as independent. What, then, do they mean by misbelief? They state that misbeliefs are So would they consider a very well-grounded belief that is false a misbelief? And why can't beliefs that are very poorly grounded be considered delusions, even when they are true?
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    Zum Problem der Voraussage in den Sozialwissenschaften.Max Horkheimer - 1933 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 2 (3):407-412.
    Chaque science comprend des jugements ayant trait à Fa venir, non seulement par la formation de „types abstraits“ et de lois (ce qu’on a appelé la „prévision“), mais par des „prédictions“ concrètes, impliquées dans chaque loi scientifique. Les jugements hypothétiques et catégoriques (prévisions et prédictions) exercent, dans le développement des sciences, une influence mutuelle les uns sur les autres. — A l’encontre de la conception traditionnelle, H. est d’avis que la prévision scientifique est facilitée si elle porte plutôt sur des (...)
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  47. Witches and Behaviorists: A Reply to Robinson and Boyer.Max O. Hocutt - 1986 - Behavior and Philosophy 14 (1):97.
    Philosophical critics standardly read behaviorism as a program for defining the concepts of folk psychology in equivalent behavioral terms. This is a misreading. Behaviorism is a program for getting rid of ill-defined mentalistic terms in favor of better defined behavioral idiom. In short, it is a program not for conceptual analysis but for verbal reform. Therefore, criticizing behaviorists for failing to define mentalistic concepts is like criticizing opponents of the Spanish Inquisition for failing to define witchcraft.
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  48. Thematic Files-the reception of euclid's elements during the middle ages and the renaissance-the first evidence of teaching the arab-latin version of euclid's elements: Thierry of chartres and.Max Lejbowicz - 2003 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 56 (2):347-368.
  49. Armstrong and Strawson on 'disembodied existence'.Max Hocutt - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (September):46-59.
  50.  23
    Colloquium 3 Commentary on Schindler.Max J. Latona - 2019 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 34 (1):109-115.
    This essay responds to D.C. Schindler’s “Language as Technē vs. Language as Technology,” which argues that, for Plato, language is a craft that has for its subject matter being itself. While Schindler’s thesis is consistent with what we know as the Platonic philosophical project, it raises several questions. First, does being, as the subject matter of language, constitute a determinate subject matter, such as is required by all crafts? Second, does the ordinary language user meet the epistemic bar of a (...)
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